Text To Icon v1.1

Engine : RPG Maker MV
Version : 1.1


v1.1 (01/11/2016):
  • Apply TextToIcon to Window_Base.drawTextEx
  • Text and Icon parameter format is changed
  • Could add more than 1 icon

What is This?

Change any text in a window to icons. Can be applied to a specific scene only.






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Title Exit Command v1.0

Engine : RPG Maker MV
Version : 1.0

What is This?

Just a little snippet to add exit command on title screen.





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Text to Icon v1.0a

Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace
Version : 1.0a

What is This?

Convert any specified text into icon. You can set conditions for specific icon to be displayed. Works with every script that use draw_text method in Window_Base.


  • Possibly works with every script
  • Can set a condition for specific icon to showed up



• 27.07.2015 v1.0a
   - Adding ways to disable text to icon convertion





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Suggestions and Reports

Have any suggestion for this site? Or is there an error in this site? Feel free to comment about it here.

Also if there's any bugs in my script, please report it here with the following rules:
1. Please tell me the detail as much as possible.
2. Try to use it in a fresh project, it might be incompatible with other scripts.
3. Please tell me step by step how to recreate the bugs.


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Dungeon Match 3 : Devlog #1

Devlog time!!!

Man, a long time since I've posted a new post. And I'm stuck with the tutorial, sorry about that :(

Anyway, this time I'll talk about my current solo project, which is Dungeon Match 3 (could be changed later). The game is about a fallen hero that has been resurrected to fight the evils and save the world (pretty cliche right? well... ).

The genre is Puzzle RPG, which is a fusion of match 3 mechanic (Candy Crush, Bejeweled) with RPG elements. You have to match 3 objects or more to gain powers, that will be used to perform an action.

Here's the stage editor screenshot:

And here's the ingame screenshot:

And here's the gameplay video:

There's a few placeholder that I've to change. But the interface pretty much final.
Give some thoughts or ideas below, I appreciate it :)

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Petrified State v1.3a

Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace
Version : 1.3a

What is This?

When this state is applied to enemies or actors, their can't be targetted by any skills and items (normal attack and defend is considered as skills) and give total immune to slip damage and effect area.


  • Skills and Items can be set to ignore this state
  • Total immunity to the target based on Skill Type





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Modern Algebra's Monster Catalogue Add-on v1.4

Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace
Version : 1.4

What is This?

This is an add-on for modern algebra's Monster Catalogue. This script will add 2 more pages for displaying element and state resistance, skills (my manipulated skill included), kill counts, dropable items, and stealable items from Yanfly script.


modern algebra's Monster Catalogue, get it here : http://rmrk.net/index.php?topic=45009.0


  • Like the original script, can be set to always show the contents, when encountered, or when analyzed.
  • Display element and state resistance, skills (my manipulated skill included), kill counts, dropable items (including Extra Drops from Yanfly), and stealable items from Yanfly script.
  • A lot of modification settings.
  • Auto hide the label when there's no content to show.





modern algebra (original creator)

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Create Your Own Menu (part 4)

Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace

Click here for part 1
Click here for part 2
Click here for part 3

5. Creating Scene Menu

5a. Setup
Like before, insert a new script and name it Scene_Menu. Then paste this code below.

class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase
  def start
  def create_window_menu_list    
  def create_window_actor_status    
  def create_window_location_gold
Unlike other class, when created scene class will run the start method instead of initialize (you can see it in Scene_Base main method, that it will run start > post_start > then looping update).

5b. Creating Menu List
Paste this in def create_window_menu_list.

    @menulist_window = Window_MenuList.new

5c. Creating Windows Status
Paste this in def create_window_actor_status.

    #create array container for windows status
    @actor_status_windows = []
    #spacing between each windows
    spacing = 16
    #loop through each index for i = index in 0 until total actor in the party
    (0...$game_party.members.size).each do |i|
      #create status window
      @actor_status_windows[i] = Window_MenuStatus.new(i)  
      #set window's x position
      @actor_status_windows[i].x = 16 + i*(@actor_status_windows[i].width+spacing)
      #set window's y position
      @actor_status_windows[i].y = 64
5d. Creating Location Gold Window
Paste this in def create_window_location_gold.

    @locgold_window = Window_LocGold.new

Now you can open the menu, and it should look like this
 But it's kinda plain isn't it? How about we animate the windows so it will look more, attractive?

5e. Animating the Windows.
I want the menu list and locgold window closed first, then it's open. To do that, we have to close the windows after we created it. Change def create_window_menu_list and def create_window_location_gold to this.

  def create_window_menu_list
    @menulist_window = Window_MenuList.new
    #set the window's openness, 0 is the minimum and 255 is the max
    @menulist_window.openness = 0
    #open the window

  def create_window_location_gold
    @locgold_window = Window_LocGold.new
    #set the window's openness, 0 is the minimum and 255 is the max
    @locgold_window.openness = 0
    #open the window
Now the menu should look like this,
But it's, still not enough. How about we animate the status windows too? Yeah let's do it.

5f. Animating Status Windows
I want the windows to move from outside to inside the screen with different speed. To do that, have to set the window's x outside the screen. Change def create_window_actor_status to this.

    #create array container for windows status
    @actor_status_windows = []
    #loop through each index for i = index in 0 until total actor in the party
    (0...$game_party.members.size).each do |i|
      #create status window
      @actor_status_windows[i] = Window_MenuStatus.new(i)  
      #set window's x position
      @actor_status_windows[i].x = -@actor_status_windows[i].width
      #set window's y position
      @actor_status_windows[i].y = 64
Then, add this new method below.

  def update
    #animate the windows status unless we done animating it
    animate_windows_status unless @status_animated
  def animate_windows_status
    #array for containing the speed of each window
    @mv_speed ||= []
    #spacing between each windows
    spacing = 16
    #for checking if every windows is already in target_x
    ani_done = 0
    #for each window and index in @actor_status_window
    @actor_status_windows.each_with_index do |window, i|
      #set @mv_speed[index] to 2.0 if it's nil
      @mv_speed[i] ||= 3
      #x position that windows will moved to
      target_x = 16+i*(window.width+spacing)
      #if window's x is less than target_x
      if window.x < target_x
        #increment the window's x
        window.x += @mv_speed[i]
        #if after incremented the window's x is greater than target_x
        if window.x > target_x
          #set the window's x to target_x
          window.x = target_x
      #if window's x equal to target_x
      if window.x == target_x
        #increase ani_done
        ani_done += 1
      #increase the moving speed
      @mv_speed[i] += 1
    #if ani_done equal to total number of windows
    if ani_done == @actor_status_windows.size
      #animated is done
      @status_animated = true
It should look like this.

But there's nothing happen if you select any command, because we didn't create the method for that yet.

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Create Your Own Menu (part 3)

Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace

Click here for part 1
Click here for part 2

4. Creating Location and Gold Window

4a. Setup
Insert a new script and name it Window_LocGold.

Then, paste this code below in Window_LocGold.

class Window_LocGold < Window_Base
  def initialize
    #super(x, y, width, height)
  def line_height
    #Auto calculate the line height for text
    40 - standard_padding * 2
  def refresh
    #Change contents font size
    contents.font.size = 16
    #Clear contents
  def draw_location    
  def draw_gold
This will create Window_LocGold class, with X 16 and Y 360, and width 512 height 40.

4b. Draw Location Name
To draw the location name, insert this code below in def draw_location.

    #Unless map display name isn't empty
    unless $game_map.display_name.empty?
      draw_text(4, 0, 320, line_height, "Location : #{$game_map.display_name}")

4c. Draw Gold
Now to draw the total amount of gold, insert this code in def draw_gold.

    #change font color to system color
    draw_text(320, 0, 168, line_height, Vocab::currency_unit, 2)
    #change font color to normal color
    #calculate the width for drawing gold amount
    #text_size is for getting the rect of the text when drawed in contents
    #rect has 4 properties : x, y, width, and height
    size = 164 - text_size(Vocab::currency_unit).width
    draw_text(320, 0, size, line_height, $game_party.gold, 2)

Now that everything is ready, test it with script call like before and you should see the window popped out.
Click here for part 4

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