Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace
Click here for part 1
Click here for part 2
Click here for part 3
5. Creating Scene Menu
5a. Setup
Like before, insert a new script and name it Scene_Menu. Then paste this code below.
class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase
def start
def create_window_menu_list
def create_window_actor_status
def create_window_location_gold
Unlike other class, when created scene class will run the start method instead of initialize (you can see it in Scene_Base main method, that it will run start > post_start > then looping update).
5b. Creating Menu List
Paste this in
def create_window_menu_list.
@menulist_window = Window_MenuList.new
5c. Creating Windows Status
Paste this in
def create_window_actor_status.
#create array container for windows status
@actor_status_windows = []
#spacing between each windows
spacing = 16
#loop through each index for i = index in 0 until total actor in the party
(0...$game_party.members.size).each do |i|
#create status window
@actor_status_windows[i] = Window_MenuStatus.new(i)
#set window's x position
@actor_status_windows[i].x = 16 + i*(@actor_status_windows[i].width+spacing)
#set window's y position
@actor_status_windows[i].y = 64
5d. Creating Location Gold Window
Paste this in
def create_window_location_gold.
@locgold_window = Window_LocGold.new
Now you can open the menu, and it should look like this
But it's kinda plain isn't it? How about we animate the windows so it will look more, attractive?
5e. Animating the Windows.
I want the menu list and locgold window closed first, then it's open. To do that, we have to close the windows after we created it. Change
def create_window_menu_list and def create_window_location_gold to this.
def create_window_menu_list
@menulist_window = Window_MenuList.new
#set the window's openness, 0 is the minimum and 255 is the max
@menulist_window.openness = 0
#open the window
def create_window_location_gold
@locgold_window = Window_LocGold.new
#set the window's openness, 0 is the minimum and 255 is the max
@locgold_window.openness = 0
#open the window
Now the menu should look like this,
But it's, still not enough. How about we animate the status windows too? Yeah let's do it.
5f. Animating Status Windows
I want the windows to move from outside to inside the screen with different speed. To do that, have to set the window's x outside the screen. Change
def create_window_actor_status to this.
#create array container for windows status
@actor_status_windows = []
#loop through each index for i = index in 0 until total actor in the party
(0...$game_party.members.size).each do |i|
#create status window
@actor_status_windows[i] = Window_MenuStatus.new(i)
#set window's x position
@actor_status_windows[i].x = -@actor_status_windows[i].width
#set window's y position
@actor_status_windows[i].y = 64
Then, add this new method below.
def update
#animate the windows status unless we done animating it
animate_windows_status unless @status_animated
def animate_windows_status
#array for containing the speed of each window
@mv_speed ||= []
#spacing between each windows
spacing = 16
#for checking if every windows is already in target_x
ani_done = 0
#for each window and index in @actor_status_window
@actor_status_windows.each_with_index do |window, i|
#set @mv_speed[index] to 2.0 if it's nil
@mv_speed[i] ||= 3
#x position that windows will moved to
target_x = 16+i*(window.width+spacing)
#if window's x is less than target_x
if window.x < target_x
#increment the window's x
window.x += @mv_speed[i]
#if after incremented the window's x is greater than target_x
if window.x > target_x
#set the window's x to target_x
window.x = target_x
#if window's x equal to target_x
if window.x == target_x
#increase ani_done
ani_done += 1
#increase the moving speed
@mv_speed[i] += 1
#if ani_done equal to total number of windows
if ani_done == @actor_status_windows.size
#animated is done
@status_animated = true
It should look like this.
But there's nothing happen if you select any command, because we didn't create the method for that yet.
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